On the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 16th, we were privileged to have a visit from Bishop Oscar Solis, the Auxiliary Bishop overseeing our San Pedro Pastoral Region. Since it was his first visit to our Home, Mother Paul took him on a brief tour where he comfortably visited with Residents along the way. He enjoyed learning that the Little Sisters have been in Los Angeles since 1905. A native of the Philippines, the Bishop was especially pleased to know that the Little Sisters have two homes in the Philippines.
As he began the celebration of Mass, he encountered a microphone problem. Not missing a beat, he proceeded to tell a joke about a young priest who unknowingly said the whole Mass with his microphone off. At the end of the Mass when he figured it out, he announced, “There is something wrong with the microphone.” To which the congregation replied, “And with you too!” This was the ice breaker. Bishop Solis’s humor and obvious intelligence captivated those celebrated Mass which include many of our Pilipino Residents and employees.
The Bishop joined the Residents for dinner in our auditorium which concluded with him cutting and helping to serve a beautiful cake. It was clear he was having as much fun as everyone else. As the Little Sisters slipped away for their dinner in the convent, he followed and spent another 45 minutes just visiting and enjoying their company.
We are so blessed to know our new Auxiliary Bishop. Our prayers will continue to be offered for him and his work among the people of the San Pedro Region.