We had the great joy of having members of the “Chinese Alliance” who are in the Los Angeles area. These are Chinese natives and American Chinese who have been immersed in the Chinese culture, and encourage their children here in the United States to also learn the language and the culture. We sometimes forget that Chinese New Year’s is more than one day, but usually celebrated for two weeks.
Most of the entertainment was expressing the Chinese Culture, from the “Chinese violin” and the “Guzheng” (Chinese Harp) to a Mongolian Folk artist.
Yet, some of the entertainment was assorted with the “Ave Maria”, “Do-re-mi” (from the Sound of Music), Beethoven and a young man played on the piano “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” with 12 variations of by Mozart, Ballet and a fashion show.
Several of our Residents, staff, and Associates joined in the fashion show; of course the favorite color was red for the costumes and decoration! Following the fashion show the Residents and guests were able to sample many specialties of China.