On Thursday, May 26, we celebrated Jerry DiLeva Appreciation Day! Jerry is not just a volunteer at Little Sisters of the Poor; he is an extended family member to every Resident here at the Home. Jerry comes to the home every day because he wants to – not because we pay him to be here. He does it out of the kindness of his heart; he does it because he truly loves the Residents. He brings them joy, love, compassion and never expects anything in return.
A few quotes from the Residents as they spoke about Jerry….
Jerry, you make me thankful to be part of the human race. You are the most loving and giving man and we love you and thank you!
Jerry, I’ve only been here seven months, but you have made those seven months the best months of my life. Thank you!
Jerry, thank you for all that you do for us, we love!
Every Resident came down to celebrate Jerry!!!! They all wanted their pictures taken with Jerry and they all wanted to say thank you to Jerry for everything he does for them and for the home.
Jerry was very humbled from all the love of the day and kept saying there are so many other volunteers that come in to assist like me. Yes, that is true but not everyone comes every day no matter what.
Thank you Jerry DiLeva for all the love you bring to the Home – WE APPRECIATE YOU & WE LOVE YOU!!!