The Palos Verde Cove Chinese Alliance were invited by a good friend of the Home. Many did not know what to expect; we only heard it was a Chinese cultural group. We were all astounded by the beautiful dance and music, along with a fashion show in the middle of it. It was beautiful to see the young people in the group wanting to learn about the culture of their heritage; to learn the language, the songs and the dances.
All the Residents remarked the grace of the dancers and those who participated in the fashion show. Yet in between the dancing and the fashion show was a young lady, Laura (15 years old) who played two traditional Chinese instruments. She first played the Erhu (a two stringed “violin”) then the Guzheng (a horizontal harp).
It was enjoyable just to watch her fingers go so fast across the strings. We were amazed at her playing in fact at the end of the show some of the Residents called out “Encore! Encore!” When asked what they would like more of, everyone was agreed that they wanted Laura to play another piece. She has been playing since she was five years old!
It was such a joy for us to be able to learn a little of their culture, and we are grateful that they were able to visit with us.