On Friday, May 6th, the Association Jeanne Jugan held their Day of Recollection led by Father Jordan, O.Praem. Father used the lives of saints including St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe and Pope John Paul II as examples of those who served others. He encouraged the members to have the same caring commitment as St. Jeanne Jugan and that of other saints of service. The day was concluded with a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament and confessions.
On Saturday, May 7th, eighteen AJJ members renewed their promises for another year during morning Mass and joyfully celebrated together during dinner with the Sisters. AJJ’s all over the world were in unison.
Around the world, thousands of laity are being drawn to the mission and spirituality of St. Jeanne Jugan. After a year of spiritual formation, these men and women commit themselves with a yearly renewable promise to be of service, through their own gifts and talents, in the apostolate of the Little Sisters and to live the spirituality and charismatic inspiration of Saint Jeanne Jugan.