On Wednesday, January 18, the Auxiliary of the Little Sisters of the Poor held its annual officers’ installation dinner and meeting in the auditorium of the Jeanne Jugan Residence at 2100 South Western Ave in San Pedro.
New Officers for 2012
Seated (Left to Right)
President …………………………………………….. Jan Werneid
President-elect…………………………………….. Dottie Good
1st Vice President………………………………… Mingli Wang
2nd Vice President………………………………… Ida Mavar
Standing (Left to Right)
Treasurer……………………………………………… Mary Jean Salcido
Recording Secretary……………………………. Laura Wetzel
Corresponding Secretary…………………….. Irene Almeida
2nd Vice President………………………………… Rita Swartz
Marie Treacy officiated at the installation. She began by giving a special “Thank You” to Dottie Good who volunteered last year to take over as President when President Maria Smith moved out of state. “You set an example of dedication for all of us and we thank you for keeping us on track for another successful year in helping the Little Sisters,” said Treacy.
After introducing the new officers, Treacy announced a change of plans for the installation ceremony. Instead of the officer’s pledging their service to the Auxiliary, the membership would make a pledge to the officers. After a few uncomfortable laughs, the pledge began as the members put their hands in the air.
“I promise to ASSIST in whatever way I can this year, ENCOURAGE the officers in their many efforts, and CONTRIBUTE to the success of our annual fundraising event.” The entire Auxiliary enjoyed the change and applause followed. (photo:Dottie Good, Marie Treacy, Lynn Andries, Betty Zuliani).
“We have a very talented group of officers,” said Jan Werneid, president. “I look forward to their creative ideas as we move forward with plans for our 15th Annual fund raising event.
Our event will be held on Saturday, June 23rd at the newly opened Toyota USA Automobile Museum in Torrance.
As an added part of this year’s event, we will pay tribute to Bishop Joe Sartoris for his many years of devotion to the Little Sisters of the Poor. His friendship and spiritual support for their work is exemplary.The recognition of his example will be an inspirational part of the evening.
June 23, 2012
Winners Route: LSP
Toyota USA Automobile Museum
Bishop Joseph Sartoris