On October 3, 2012 the Little Sisters of the Poor hosted our annual employee picnic. This event is a tradition of the Little Sisters to show their gratitude towards our staff for their hard work and dedication towards our Residents. Everyone looks forward to the special attention and camaraderie of the day.
The picnic was on our southwest lawn underneath the shade trees overlooking the wonderful coastline and Catalina Island. B.J the D.J provided plenty of music, and of course we can’t forget the terrific meal that the kitchen staff prepared, including BBQ hotdogs and hamburgers with all the fixins’ plus watermelon, baked beans and ice-cream.
The staff enjoyed the food, the music and dancing, and getting to meet some of the new members of the staff. Many thanks to the Little Sisters and the Activities Department for coordinating this fun event. We are blessed to have such wonderful staff who are committed to share with the elderly poor their compassion and love.