Our Home in Indianapolis has produced two terrific videos.
They are available for instant viewing and you can purchase one or both.
The Jeanne Jugan Story: A Work Which Is Still Unknown
Watch firsthand the stunning performance written, produced, directed and performed by hundreds of volunteers in honor of St. Jeanne Jugan on the 3rd anniversary of her canonization, held at the Carmel (IN) Palladium on October 11, 2012.
(Click here to watch the full video)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Gatz: A Miracle in Our Time
Dr. Gatz was cured of terminal esophageal cancer through the intercession of St. Jeanne Jugan. Hear this story from both Edward and Jeanne Gatz.
(Click here to watch the full video)
To obtain your own copy of this DVD, with both of these special features, please contact Kate Wilson at prindianapolis@littlesistersofthepoor.org or call (317) 415-5767, or send your generous freewill offering to Kate Wilson at:
St. Augustine Home
Little Sisters of the Poor
2345 West 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46062
Please make checks payable to The Little Sisters of the Poor Indianapolis.