Little Sisters of the Poor in San Pedro needs food, supplies amid COVID-19 pandemic In the midst of this crisis, we have some urgent needs. We thank you for anything you can do to assist us. Click here for a story that aired on the news. Click here for a […]
Model “A” Cars It has become an annual event when the “Model “A” Vintage Car Club” comes to visit us just before “Father’s Day”. This has been a treat for all us! (Not just the Fathers). This year there were five antique cars, all so bright and shiny! All took […]
Mexican Dancers Each year we are happy to welcome the “Inspiraciones de Danza Mexicana” which is a dance school that teaches traditional Mexican Dancing. The students begin at the age of two and also have teenagers and adults. It is really special to see the little ones as they begin […]
The May Crowning May is a month that is traditionally dedicated to Mary. Sometime during the month, she is crowned Queen of both Heaven and Earth. This year we chose the feast of Our Lady of Fatima to crown Our Lady. Our Residents love the Rosary. So we gathered together […]
Mother’s Day Tea Mother’s Day is always a beautiful occasion to thank our Mothers for all they do throughout the year. This year our Residents going to the Mother’s Tea prepared by decorating a hat to wear for the occasion. They picked out the flowers they liked and the color […]
The Living Way of the Cross As we came close to the end of the season of Lent, many of our Residents took it to heart to be in “The Living Way of the Cross”. Although this was not just another play for most of the Residents because this was […]