Let the good times roll, with a SoCal flair
Mardi Gras was born in the south in this country, beginning with Mobile and made bigger in New Orleans. With floats and throws, Kings and Queens and bands which make it so exciting.
The Residents got in the mood for the Celebration by wearing masks and beads, which the Activity department had for them as they entered the Party.
We had a King and Queen, who were two Residents that had been from our Home in St. Louis (which had closed this last year), Bea and Bob. They showed much joy that they were here with us in San Pedro, and they entered into the festivities.
We were able to have part of the “San Pedro High School Marching Band”, which has won awards for their music and the way they march, and have played in such places as Disneyland. The Residents enjoyed the music so much; all were clapping with the beat of the music.
After the band played, the Residents were served pancakes, sausage, and bacon along with drinks. The band joined the Residents and enjoyed the food.